Recruitment Process

Student Recruitment?

If you have recently begun to immerse yourself in the education world, it is very possible that you have run into the question: what is student recruitment?

We don’t blame you, as student recruitment is one of the topics that requires most of the attention in schools as it is what will determine the quality of the applicants who will study there, and also it is what will determine the profitability of the educational business. Furthermore, it also plays a very important role in helping achieving the prestige of an institution.

In other words, a university without students clearly will be closing its doors at the very next day because it is no longer a profitable business to its owners. Therefore, here lies the importance of student recruitment.

Student recruitment is the process of finding and recruiting the best-qualified students, from within or outside of an institution, in a timely and cost effective manner.

Hence, it involves a set of marketing and communication actions carried out by an institution, university or school, to attract, engage and convert individuals into new and consistent enrollments.

Student recruitment can also be defined as the process of searching for prospective students and encouraging them to apply for the educational programs of the institution.

Recruitment Process

The student recruitment process includes:

  • Defining and analyzing the academic requirements
  • Planning marketing and communication actions to attracting students
  • Working with marketing, accounting, academic coordination departments to attract students
  • Screening and selecting the best applicants
  • Assisting students with the visa application process
  • Taking care of the enrollment process and their final application
  • Integrating the new students to the university or school
  • Follow up with students whenever they need it

The student recruitment process can be done by any professional who is able to build a close relationship with potential students by providing orientation and support during the admission process.

A successful student recruiter is a goal oriented person. Is someone who is able to link the impact of marketing activities on results. Proactivity, ambition and energy are key soft skills that anyone doing student recruitment should master in order to succeed.

Recruitment Process